You’re our only hope – Omega #2 reviewed


Image Credit: Cutaway Comics (Fair Use)

Image Description: The cover of Omega #2

Tides was provided with a free review copy of the comic

By James Ashworth

With Lytton soon to come to the end of its run, Omega will soon be leading as Cutaway Comics’ flagship series. After a triumphant start, the issue is always that the follow-up will never be as good as the original, and Omega #1 certainly made one hell of a debut. Fortunately, #2 continues the good work that its predecessor started, while taking the series in a different stylistic direction.

Following a date with a firing squad, Princess Malika escapes into a seedy bar to lay low, before the forces of Oxirgi catch up with her. Subsequently, this rebel princess, pursued by countless, uniform soldiers, makes a robot ally, tracks down a hermit with special powers, and travels into space to fight a terrifying evil. Sound familiar? If Omega #1 was I, Claudius, then the second is certainly Star Wars. Like the space opera itself, there’s plenty of action, intrigue and comedy, to which Omega adds its own twists – more modern sci-fi needs a Dimetrodon or two! Though it’s a little expositional in places, Omega #2 doesn’t drop the ball, and continues to build the already high expectations of the first.

Putting the story to one side, the art of John Ridgway is also a continuing reason to pick up Omega. Building on one of the most striking images in the first issue, the eye-focused motifs throughout the comic are just as impressive as their earlier outing, while also lending a bit of time to Omega himself. With the more action-oriented feel of this issue, Ridgway also has the opportunity to draw everything from spaceships to a robot’s-eye view of the world, and does them all the justice they deserve.

The back-up strip also continues to impress, as the comic moves from the 70’s stylings of I, Claudius and Star Wars to pulp horror. Despite the retro feel, the plot of the second instalment feels very modern, taking in the issue of trophy hunting among the rich and famous. Though short compared to the main feature, the story of The Demons of Eden is advanced, while expanding on the background of a core character. Once again, it’s another success story.

Minor quibble aside, and Omega #2 is just as excellent an outing as the first. While Underworld may not have seemed like the most promising of inspirations, Cutaway have given it a new life that even makes it tempting to go back and rewatch.


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